The Binge Breaker

Tristan Harris believes Silicon Valley is addicting us to our phones. He’s determined to make it stop.

By BIANCA BOSKER, The Atlantic

Harris gives off a preppy-hippie vibe that allows him to move comfortably between Palo Alto boardrooms and device-free retreats. (Olaf Blecker)
Harris gives off a preppy-hippie vibe that allows him to move comfortably between Palo Alto boardrooms and device-free retreats. (Olaf Blecker)

Extrait: «You might just think it’s your failure of attention. But that itch to glance at our phone is a natural reaction to apps and websites engineered to get us scrolling as frequently as possible. The attention economy, which showers profits on companies that seize our focus, has kicked off what Tristan Harris calls a “race to the bottom of the brain stem.”»