Par Claude Picher (La Presse)

Dettes totales des ménages canadiens: 1 505 000 000 000$

Dette en proportion du revenu personnel disponible: 148%

Cette proportion était de 110% il y a 10 ans et de 87% au début des années 90.

Dette par habitant: 44 000$




Commentaire du toujours excellent Theodore Dalrymple sur l’endettement.

When Irish Eyes Are Crying

« In my own country, for example, there has been a decisive shift in attitude to debt within my lifetime. The British people are now among the most incontinent and childish in the management of their own affairs of any people in the world, which is why they are so deeply indebted for what are, essentially, trifles. It is within my memory that people took pride in not buying what they could not afford; they feared debt as if it were a disease. The idea of repudiating debts, of simply walking away from them, was totally alien to them. They would not behave in this fashion, not because it was illegal, but because their self-respect would not allow them to do so. How can you hold your head up after you had indulged in an elaborate form of theft? »