Par Russell Jacoby, Dissent

Il y a deux raisons de lire cette critique du livre de l’universitaire marxiste Erik Olin Wright “Envisioning Real Utopias”; la première est que le Québec fait partie des “Real Utopias” du prof, la deuxième est qu’on ne peut s’empêcher d’être impressionné par la panoplie d’instruments tranchants et contondants utilisés par le critique pour massacrer l’auteur.

« On page 322, he thanks Marcia Kahn Wright, his wife, for suggesting to him «the term ‘interstitial’” as a way of expressing something about «strategic logic,” whatever that is. Apart from Mrs. Wright, Erik Wright’s favorite source is Erik Wright. He has read all of his works and finds them remarkable. He moves fluidly between Wright of 1985 and Wright of 2010, as if history has not changed. Actually, for Wright, history has not changed. The issues that rivet Wright unfold in an eternal graduate sociology seminar where the clock has stopped. In a memoir elsewhere, Wright comments that every September since kindergarten in 1952 he has been in school. It might be time for him to take a break.

« Wright takes up four examples of «real Utopias,» the budget process of Porto Alegre, a city in southern Brazil; the «social economy» of Quebec; (,,,) His main source for the Quebec Federation of Labour’s Solidarity Fund is its annual report.