La plupart des Canadiens veulent mourir paisiblement chez eux. La plupart meurent à l’hôpital

« Far too often, their last weeks are marked by invasive procedures, useless treatment, grossly inadequate pain management and nursing care that runs the gamut from outstanding to callous. Our hospitals are engineered to save people. Yet they are increasingly filled with people who can’t be saved. These people don’t need the latest in high-tech medicine. They need care, compassion and comfort. »

La tyrannie du lait maternel

« One of the world’s most authoritative sources of breastfeeding research is Michael Kramer, professor of pediatrics at McGill University. “The public health breastfeeding promotion information is way out of date,”he says. The trouble is that the breastfeeding lobby is at war with the formula milk industry, and neither side is being very scientific. “When it becomes a crusade, people are not very rational.” »

Les profs sont régulièrement accusés d’abus sexuels. À tort
