Cour suprême de justice. Photo: Chris Wattie/Reuters

Toujours aussi affligeante, pour le gouvernement du moins, Christie Blatchford souligne le secret entourant la nomination des deux nouveaux juges à la Cour suprême du Canada. Ainsi, elle nous apprend que les juges intéressés par le poste doivent soumettre leur candidature.

The two will be chosen from a secret short list of six names produced by an all-party selection committee which whittled down a bigger secret list (given to them by the Justice Minister after his officials mysteriously came up with what is believed to have been 12 names) and only after consultation with unnamed officials from provincial law societies and law schools and unnamed senior judges.

All clear now?


Canadians will never know who was on the longer list or, perhaps more important, who was not — who was vetted out from consideration, let alone why.”