Par Lee Fairbanks and Bill Tufts

(livre disponible à la bibliothèque de la ville de Mont-Royal) 

Critiques :

Financial Post

“But it’s by no means certain all these pensions will be able to meet their obligations. The OTPP (Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan) is $35-billion short while the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System (OMERS) is almost $9-billion short.

Look no further than Greece to see how countries can default on public-sector paycheques and break pension promises.”

Globe and Mail

Extrait :

“The bigger question is how much longer we’ll be willing to keep transferring wealth to relatively affluent gray-haired professors at the expense of the next generation. This question applies not just to universities, of course, but to all the other arrangements we made in an age when we thought we could count on high growth forever. Now that those days are gone, we need a big rethink.”