Quand un rédacteur de ReadWriteWeb, la bible des tendances web et de la technophilie, débarque à Paris et raconte les usages que font les Français des outils numériques, l’article ressemble à un reportage ethnographique dans un pays en voie de développement.


Why France is shunning the ebook

The Guardian

When it comes to reading books, the French are determinedly bucking the digital trend and sticking to paperbacks

to around 20% of total book sales in the US and almost 10% in the UK – in France, predictions for this year are hovering at around 3% of the market.

Why E-Books Aren’t Taking Off In France « In contrast to the UK’s famous three-for-two deals, the French state fixes the prices of books and readers pay the same whether they buy online, at a high-street giant or a small bookseller. Discounting is banned. The government boasts that price controls have saved small independent bookshops from the ravages of free-market capitalism that were unleashed in the UK when it abandoned fixed prices in the 1990s. »

Et au Canada? (CBC News)

“With the current batch of e-readers and tablet computers, it appears that a critical mass has now been reached and books are likely to follow the same path as newspapers,” he said.

‘Demand for paper used in book publishing in North America is under significant pressure’—Conference Board of Canada

About 10 per cent of the books sold in Canada last year were e-books, according to one national survey. The Pew Research Centre estimates that 21 per cent of U.S. adults owned an e-reader as of February 2012. It also found, not surprisingly, that purchasers of e-readers tended to be the most voracious consumers of books.