51gFoFJJlzL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_House of Anansi Press

328 pages

Bibliothèque de Westmount

Clive Veroni’s Spin is a fascinating investigation of how the techniques of political strategists are being applied to the world of consumer marketing.

Clive Veroni is a leading marketing strategist. He is a consultant on brand positioning, marketing strategies, new product development, and advertising to a wide variety of blue-chip clients across North America. In 1999, he founded Leap Consulting and prior to that he had a successful advertising career that included working on the launch of the IBM PS2 and the launch of the Apple “Think Different” campaign in Canada. He lives in Toronto, Ontario.


Critique du National Post

Veroni keenly understands a now well-accepted truth about advertising: It’s dying. In a crowded media landscape, it’s tougher than ever to persuade and mobilize people.


Critique du Hamilton Spectator

Like politicians and political parties, companies are mining big data and sorting through our digital breadcrumbs to turn information into actionable insights about why we buy. Target can now predict when you’re expecting a baby. The company used to mail special offers to moms-to-be until parents began asking why their teenage daughters were getting coupons for diapers and baby food.

Politics was once local. Today, it’s individualized and companies are moving fast in the same direction.

“In the post-mass marketing world, the emphasis will be less and less on reaching large numbers of people with the same message and more on reaching specific people with highly individualized messages,” says Veroni.