Pseudo Science And The Age Of Irrationalism
Mike Collins
- A recent Time/Yankelvich poll found that 80% of Americans feel that the government is covering up information about extra-terrestrials.
- 68% of citizens support child vaccines compared to 86% of scientists
- 57% do not know that electrons are smaller than atoms.
- 84% percent of scientists think that humans are warming the planet by burning fossil fuels but only 49% of the public believes it.
- 93% of scientists support federal research on funding on stem cells versus 58% of the public.
- About 46% of the public believes, “God created human beings pretty much in their present form at one time within the last 10,000 years” and this number has not changed since 1982
- 63% of American adults are unaware that the last dinosaur died before humans arose.
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Le paranormal? Serge Larrivée aimerait tellement y croire.
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