Author Archives: Équipe du Kiosque - Page 339
La longue histoire des émoticônes
Une demande en mariage
Faut-il croire que le boss de l’information du Journal de Montréal peut placer ces deux endroits sur une carte?
Le Journal de Montréal La Moldavie (...) connaît également de longue date avec la Transdniestrie une situation que l'Ukraine est en train de découvrir: gérer la sécession d'un territoire se…
Les femmes esclaves de l’Etat islamique
Paris Match 1/2 -- 2/2 Au Kurdistan irakien, « Les prises de guerre » yézidies sont considérées comme des objets sexuels, martyrisées et ensuite vendues. Notre journaliste Flore Olive et notre photographe Alfred…
How to Build an Empire, the Netflix Way
The New York Times
Turning Customers Into Cultists
Why many companies now take their cues from religious sects DEREK THOMPSON The Atlantic In the third week of September, thousands of people organized themselves into neat lines that snaked along the…
Le flop secret de la Croix rouge américaine
ProPublica is an independent, non-profit newsroom that produces investigative journalism in the public interest. In 2012, two massive storms pounded the United States, leaving hundreds of thousands of people homeless,…
Announcing The Winners Of The 2014 Innovation By Design Awards
The 10 best designs of the year include a soccer cleat, a campaign to end gun violence, and much more.
The Science Of Politely Ending A Conversation. Research-based tips on finding a delicate way to part ways.
Conversation Equation In business, finding a polite way to break off a conversation is as tricky as it is critical. Time is money, so you don't want to chit-chat with…
À quoi ressemblait la Grande pyramide il y a 4000 ans? (Court vidéo)
Go to the pyramids at Giza today, and you'll see pollution blackened steppes surrounded by smog and sand. Some 4,000 years ago, the pyramids looked much nicer: They…