Author Archives: Équipe du Kiosque - Page 394
Documentaire de la CBC: Secrets of Modern Spies (43.05)
From James Bond to Jason Bourne, the fictional world of spying is a world of danger and deception, glamour and lies. As the world prepares to celebrate the 50th anniversary…
Un rapport en profondeur détaille l'économie de la prostitution
By Annie Lowrey, The New York Times WASHINGTON — A street prostitute in Dallas may make as little as $5 per sex act. But pimps can take in $33,000 a week…
Estimating the Size and Structure of the Underground Commercial Sex Economy in Eight Major US Cities
Urban Institute The underground commercial sex economy (UCSE) generates millions of dollars annually, yet investigation and data collection remain under resourced. Our study aimed to unveil the scale of the…
La fin de semaine où je suis devenue guérisseuse Reiki
By Carrie Poppy, CSI
Le livre qui enflammait Françoise David, François Saillant, Pierre Dubuc etc.
How the west embraced Chairman Mao’s Little Red Book At the peak of its popularity, Mao's bible was the most printed book in the world. It attained the status of…
Le twit de Radio-Canada frappe encore (on espère que c'est toujours le même, sinon…) :
Maroc : une barrière pour contrer l’émigration clandestine Évidemment il n'y a pas de carte. Seuls les Marocains du Québec et quelques spécialistes peuvent comprendre la phrase suivante: "Melilla et l'autre enclave…
The Divide: American Injustice in the Age of the Wealth Gap
Matt Taibbi Spiegel & Grau. 416 pp. Présentation de l'éditeur A scathing portrait of an urgent new American crisis Over the last two decades, America has been falling…
Une autre pleurnicharde
‘Medical school rejection violated my Charter rights’ Dans le Maclean's Woman sued University of Manitoba, province after failing to gain admission