Author Archives: Équipe du Kiosque - Page 551
Outlawed Research
Pacific Standar Magazine Congress just cut funding for political science because they don’t understand the good it does. Here are four excellent examples.
La langue arabe
There's a saying among linguists that "a language is a dialect with an army and a navy." A language with too many armies and navies?.> The Economist The Arabic of…
La langue arabe
There's a saying among linguists that "a language is a dialect with an army and a navy." A language with too many armies and navies?.> The Economist The Arabic of…
La langue arabe
There's a saying among linguists that "a language is a dialect with an army and a navy." A language with too many armies and navies?.> The Economist The Arabic of…
Fat City
What can stop obesity? . Karen Hitchcock, The Monthly © Karen Kasmauski / National Geographic Stock Why obesity is not your doctor’s problem. (....) I have heard people say thinness…
Fat City
What can stop obesity? . Karen Hitchcock, The Monthly © Karen Kasmauski / National Geographic Stock Why obesity is not your doctor’s problem. (....) I have heard people say thinness…
Site complet sur la peine de mort
Death Penalty Information Center
Site complet sur la peine de mort
Death Penalty Information Center
Moisissures dans les écoles: la lutte piétine
Pascale Breton, La Presse La liste des écoles aux prises avec des moisissures et des problèmes de qualité de l'air s'allonge constamment au Québec, particulièrement à la Commission scolaire de…
Psychedelic Academe
Research into mind-altering drugs is back. By Zoë Corbyn, The Chronicle Review Illustration by Scott Seymour, original images from Shutterstock You don't have to spend much time at the six-day…