Archives for INFOGRAPHIES - Page 21
Infographie: Aboriginal Identity in Canada – A demographic snapshot
New data from Statistics Canada’s National Household Survey shows that 1,400,685 people had an aboriginal identity in 2011, or of the total Canadian population. The aboriginal population increased by 232,385 people,…
L’Alcatraz des Rocheuses: Inside America’s Toughest Federal Prison
Mark Binelli New York Times For years, conditions inside the United States’ only federal supermax facility were largely a mystery. But a landmark lawsuit is finally revealing the harsh world…
Infographie:The Dawn Wall
The New York Times Arguably the most praised interactive map so far, in 2015. A beautiful piece by the always inspired team at The New York Times, about the feat…
Un abonné nous signale: un site qui permet de tracer un graphique éloquent de la consommation d’électricité par habitant (choix des pays possibles). Devant le Canada, il y a l’Islande et la Norvège.
La Banque Mondiale Une carte pour réviser ses pays é À voir ici
Infographie: Le jour J, le débarquement de Normandie.
This map shows Naval and Aerial movements and some scenes during D-Day. Pictures from 1 to 10 (source: The Guardian ) allow you to compare the scene between 1944 and…