Archives for RESSOURCES - Page 30
Canadian Academy of Health Sciences : Reports
The Canadian Academy of Health Sciences (CAHS) has been publishing Reports on the science of health-related issues since its inception in 2004. On this section of the CAHS site, readers…
Un lecteur nous signale : Yves-François Blanchet fonde un nouveau média
Yves-François Blanchet fonde un nouveau média Radio-Canada Après son bref passage comme animateur radio à Trois-Rivières, l'ex-ministre péquiste et député de Johnson, Yves-François Blanchet, a décidé de fonder édia, un nouveau…
2,200 Radical Political Posters Digitized: A New Archive
OpenCulture --- Aussi: The Red Menace: A Striking Gallery of Anti-Communist Posters, Ads, Comic Books, Magazines & Films
Where are the books? Libraries under fire as they shift from print to digital.
À lire dans le Washington Post.
Alternative Search Engines
JOSHUA COHEN New York Times At the same time, I was investigating the more practical, or just more traditional, alternatives to Google: Bing (owned by Microsoft), Yahoo (operated by Google…
Une abonnée nous signale deux sites
50 photos de la Libération de Paris se fondent dans le présent Golem13 Why the last of the JFK files could embarrass the CIA Politico President John F. Kennedy, First…
Infotopia is an academic search engine designed for "students, teachers, and especially homeschoolers." Infotopia uses a Google custom search to provide accesses to previously vetted websites selected by librarians, teachers,…
Brite Pauchet, journaliste scientifique, nous signale deux articles:
I Fooled Millions Into Thinking Chocolate Helps Weight Loss. Here's How. io9 “Slim by Chocolate!” the headlines blared. A team of German researchers had found that people on a low-carb diet lost…