Archives for TOUS - Page 287
Poulidor Premier (1.33.29)
Il a figuré parmi les plus grands cyclistes du monde pendant presque deux décennies, sans jamais remporter le Tour de France. Paradoxalement, ses défaites l'ont fait entrer dans la légende.…
Twenty-first century yoga is female. Look around the classes. There are a few men on planet yoga, but they are massively outnumbered by women. Yoga is a women’s thing – isn’t it?
Feminist Times But the practices all these women are doing were created by men, and for men. Some medieval yoga manuals advise yogis to avoid women, for fear of distraction…
A Loss for Words
Can a dying language be saved? By Judith Thurman New Yorker It is a singular fate to be the last of one’s kind. That is the fate of the men…
«De culture musulmane», ils signent un manifeste contre l’islamisme
Le Figaro Les journalistes Mohamed Sifaoui et Zineb El Rhazoui, l'écrivain Boualem Sansal, sont parmi les signataires d'une tribune dans Marianne dénonçant l'«islam politique» et le communautarisme, et défendant «la…
How Political Correctness Aided and Abetted Sex Crimes in England
Rotherham The troubling lesson of the Rotherham crimes Brendan O'Neill Reason ’s invasion of everyday life; its movement from colleges into the concrete worlds of politics, society, and community…
17 juillet 1959. Démolie par la drogue et l’alcool, la chanteuse Billie Holiday meurt à l’âge de 44 ans. La veille de sa mort, “Lady Day” se fait encore livrer de la drogue sur son lit d’hopital.
Par Frédéric Lewino et Gwendoline Dos Santos Le Point --- Documentaire sur Billie Holiday Story () --- Sa chanson émouvante "Strange Fruit" qui évoque les Noirs lynchés dans le Sud…
Love Under Cuban Skies (45.10)
Un documentaire de la CBC An exploration of female sex tourism in Cuba and the story of 3 Canadian women and their Cuban lovers. Who is exploiting whom?
In addition to giving you a nasty infection (or worse), douching could also mess with your hormones.
Gabrielle Canon Mother Jones Medical evidence suggests that douches are unnecessary because vaginas clean themselves.
In Tourist Destinations, a Picture of Excess
New York Times From posing naked at Machu Picchu to filming their dives from hotel balconies into courtyard swimming pools, travelers across the world have been indulging in what officials…