Archives for TOUS - Page 289
Infographie: La crise d’Oka (Kanesatake)
--- La crise d'Oka en huit dates 11 mars 1990 Une première barricade symbolique est érigée à l’entrée de la pinède convoitée par le projet d’expansion du golf. À la fin…
Reportage de 60 Minutes : Saving History ( 13.40)
As the Italian government struggles to maintain its historic ruins and monuments, Morley Safer discovers it's become fashionable to help CBS News It's estimated that Italy is home to two-thirds…
The Smartest Dog in the World (Chester est le chien le plus important aujourd’hui pour la recherche scientifique)
Reportage de 60 Minutes () Human beings have lived with dogs for thousands of years. You'd think that after all that time we'd have discovered all there is to know…
Documentaire: Guerre d’Algérie- la déchirure (1.53.01)
Une série documentaire de Gabriel Le Bomin et Benjamin Stora Réalisée par Gabriel Le Bomin Racontée par Kad Merad A partir d’images d’archives, en grande partie inédites et provenant de…
21st-century censorship: Governments around the world are using stealthy strategies to manipulate the media
Columbia Journalism Review Two beliefs safely inhabit the canon of contemporary thinking about journalism. The first is that the internet is the most powerful force disrupting the news media. The…
Le département informatique de la pègre belge (Bientôt dans un port canadien?)
How two technology consultants helped drug traffickers hack the Port of Antwerp By Jordan Robertson and Michael Riley Bloomerg
Dossier spécial de l’hebdo “The Economist: America’s Hispanics
The Economist One American in six is now Hispanic, up from a small minority two generations ago. By mid-century it will be more than one in four. David Rennie explains…
Covering Cannabis: Building a News Wire Beyond Weed
American Journalism Review
Revolution and its discontents: The messy case of Egypt’s journalists union
Columbia Journalism Review (...) The Egyptian Journalists Syndicate (EJS) is the official body tasked with organizing, protecting, and accrediting Egyptian reporters and editors (and sometimes others, like lucky ad men)…
Last Gasp in Paris
Commentary Magazine Writing in Hypervocal in March, Havas Media’s Tom Goodwin opened with a jarring observation. “Uber, the world’s largest taxi company, owns no vehicles,” he wrote. “Facebook, the world’s most…