Archives for TOUS - Page 312


We Went to Quebec’s Militant Feminist Training Camp; Quebec’s most militant student federation isn’t fucking around.

Noelle Solange Didierjean Vice The women's committee of l'Association pour une solidarite syndicale etudiante (ASSE) brought together at least 100 people from around Quebec for a two-day feminist training camp…
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Combien d’adeptes de l’Église de la scientologie dans le monde? Des millions selon l’Église. En fait, c’est plutôt autour de 50 000. À cause d’Internet, l’Église ne peut plus beurrer épais.

Since its founding in the 1950s, L. Ron Hubbard’s organization has put a premium on controlling the flow of information—an increasingly impossible enterprise in the Internet age. The Atlantic, Sophie…
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