Archives for TOUS - Page 425
Angélique en enfer : l’intérieur des maisons closes
Par Lili Boisvert 1er salon de massage : le salon chic de banlieue Propriétaire : une femme aux goûts de luxe Coût d’entrée pour le client : 200 $ Retour à la prostituée sur ce montant : 90 $…
Herbalife: un sénateur du Massachusetts demande une enquête sur la compagnie Herbalife.
By Svea Herbst-Bayliss Massachusetts Senator Edward Markey is asking for information about the business practices of Herbalife Ltd, his office said on Thursday, making him the most prominent lawmaker to call for a…
Des retraites spéciales pour les recteurs (Université du Québec)
Par Régys Caron Le 15 mars 2006, dans l’édifice sis au 475, rue du Parvis à Québec, l’assemblée des gouverneurs de l’UQ adoptait le «programme de retraite supplémentaire» (PRS) financé…
PBS program on drug-resistant bacteria (Émission Frontline 54.11)
"Hunting the Nightmare Bacteria" a new FRONTLINE program co-produced by the Investigative Reporting Workshop, looks at whether the age of antibiotics is coming to an end. From a young girl…
Imagining the Post-Antibiotics Future
Un article de After 85 years, antibiotics are growing impotent. So what will medicine, agriculture and everyday life look like if we lose these drugs entirely?
Will the FDA Finally Get Serious About Animal Antibiotics?
The Fix A recent report by Salon magazine points to the collusion between Big Ag and the government to keep the food supply pumped up with resistance-building antibiotics.
Une lectrice nous signale:
Batman n'aime pas les clichés
Scientists’ media role is changing
By: Malene Breusch Hansen, ScienceNordic Scientists increasingly represent their research institution, not just their own work, when they appear in the media, and that is important to bear in mind, argues communication…
Mysterious code in Viking runes is cracked
A runic code called jötunvillur has finally been decrypted. It just might help solve the mystery of the Vikings’ secret codes.