Archives for TOUS - Page 438
The Online Avengers
Un article du New York Times Are antibullying activists the saviors of the Internet — or just a different kind of curse? Ash was one of a growing number of…
Des journalistes obséquieux et déférents : la presse britannique se moque de l’attitude des journalistes français face à François Hollande
Par Gilles Klein Arrêt sur images Des journalistes obséquieux et déférents : la presse britannique se moque avec une acidité cruelle de l'attitude des journalistes français face à François Hollande mardi…
Des scientifiques étudient le cas d’un enfant à la mémoire extraordinaire (1.33)
A 60 Minutes story on people with super memories caused dozens more, including 10-year-old Jake Hausler, to come forward, giving science more subjects to ;
Magiciens de la mémoire
60 minutes Imagine being able to remember virtually every day of your life. As Lesley Stahl reports, it’s a kind of memory that is brand new to science.
Social Media Update 2013 (Pew Research Center’s Internet Project.)
Some 73% of online adults now use a social networking site of some kind. Facebook is the dominant social networking platform in the number of users, but a striking number…
La Colombie-Britannique est la capitale de l’alcool frelaté au Canada.
Hanging Out with the Moonshine Outlaws of British Columbia By Jesse Donaldson, revue Vice
Épidémie d’alcool frelaté en Afrique. Le pire endroit: l’Ouganda. (Documentaire, 35.11)
Vice Ugandans are the hardest drinking Africans in the motherland, both in terms of per capita consumption and the hooch they choose to chug. Waragi, or "war gin," is what…
Un dossier de l’hebdo The Economist
The recorded world Every step you take As cameras become ubiquitous and able to identify people, more safeguards on privacy will be needed (...) Glass may fail, but a wider…