Tag archives for allaitement
La croisade morale des lactivistes commence à écoeurer les mamans
«There’s a lot more to the latest infant-feeding angst than moms judging moms and the most devastating judgment comes from advocacy groups and health-care professionals» Sydney Loney du National Post…
The International Breastfeeding Journal
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), "If every child was breastfed within an hour of birth, given only breast milk for their first six months of life, and continued…
L’allaitement de moins en moins fréquent en Grande-Bretagne.
Daniel Boffey, The Guardian Lack of support for new mothers in England leads to first drop in breastfeeding for nearly a decade, say midwives
Élisabeth Badinter: Le conflit, la femme et la mère
Le livre d'Élisabeth Badinter heurte de front certains écologistes. «Je ne condamne pas l'écologie en soi, c'est-à-dire le souci de la nature, mais l'écologie radicale. Conseiller aux femmes de laver…