Tag archives for animaux - Page 2
The Smartest Dog in the World (Chester est le chien le plus important aujourd’hui pour la recherche scientifique)
Reportage de 60 Minutes () Human beings have lived with dogs for thousands of years. You'd think that after all that time we'd have discovered all there is to know…
The day my dog was cooked for dinner
By Juliana Liu, Hong Kong correspondent BBC News This week about 10,000 dogs and a number of cats were killed at an annual dog-meat festival in south-western China, to celebrate…
US court could give chimpanzees rights as persons
The Independant Chimpanzees will receive special legal rights recognising that they are “autonomous and self-determining” beings, according to a lawyer who is leading a US court fight on behalf of…
“Les Requins de la colère” : l’industrie du thon harponnée
Telerama « Ils sont apparus sur Terre il y a 420 millions d’années, mais il aura fallu moins de cinquante ans à l’homme pour les décimer ».
If You’re Happy and You Know It — So Does Your Dog
Wired Ludwig Huber, of the University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna, is interested in how the animals that live with humans perceive us. He has especially focused on how these animals…
In South Africa, Ranchers Are Breeding Mutant Animals to Be Hunted
Bloomberg Breeders are also engineering white lions with pale blue eyes, black impalas, white kudus, and coffee-colored springboks, all of which are exceedingly rare in the wild. “We breed them…
Ne laissez pas votre chat sortir dehors.
Selon Dre Valérie Trudel, présidente de Association des médecins vétérinaires du Québec (AMVQ) Un article de L'Avantage «En tenant compte du fait que les foyers québécois possèdent approximativement 1,5 million…