Tag archives for business - Page 2
Dans le New York Times : Ces femmes ont presqu’atteint le sommet de la hiérarchie. Elles expliquent pourquoi elles sont restées deuxièmes.
Article par Susan Chira Illustration: Kiersten Essenpreis
Voici l’entrepreneur qui a augmenté le prix d’un médicament de 5000%
«Publicly, Shkreli has stated that he has philanthropic aims. (“I want to cure many diseases and save children’s lives,” he told Bloomberg Businessweek last year.) But in his decision to…
Inside Amazon: Wrestling Big Ideas in a Bruising Workplace
The company is conducting an experiment in how far it can push white-collar workers to get them to achieve its ever-expanding ambitions. By Jodi Kantor and David Streitfeld, New York Times…
Open secrets online: What’s personal and what’s corporate?
Any employee with an Internet connection now has the power to share confidential information—and the law is catching up. Tamsin McMahon Maclean's
The Science Of Politely Ending A Conversation. Research-based tips on finding a delicate way to part ways.
Conversation Equation In business, finding a polite way to break off a conversation is as tricky as it is critical. Time is money, so you don't want to chit-chat with…