Tag archives for Californie
California Drought Tests History of Endless Growth
The New York Times The 25 percent cut in water consumption ordered by Gov. Jerry Brown raises fundamental questions about what life in California will be like in the years…
The Dark Side of Almond Use (suggestion d’une lectrice)
People are eating almonds in unprecedented amounts. Is that okay? The Atlantic Le journaliste, JAMES HAMBLIN, met en relation les bénéfices nutritionnels de l'amande et les problèmes environnementaux que sa…
Few rules mean hefty payouts for some California public employees
Joanna Lin Center for investigating reporting After Greg Johnson was forced to resign as city manager of Indian Wells, he became California’s highest-paid municipal employee for 2011. His severance package included…
La pension ($204,000) du chef de police Police de Stockton, Californie, 300 000 habitants, montre comment une ville peut faire faillite
Alison Vekshin, James Nash et Rodney Yap de Bloomberg News . Tom Morris ( 52 ans) a occupé son poste un grand total de huit mois. Il a pris sa…