Tag archives for culture & société
Lu dans la revue Naratively
The hair care and cosmetics market is flush with products that cause rashes, burning, bleeding—and perhaps far more serious health effects. So why won’t women stop using them? Un article…
Il est interdit aux femmes de…
Petit tour d’horizon des pays où les droits des femmes sont, et de loin, inférieurs à ceux des hommes. Exemple: Somalie : interdit de porter un soutien-gorge Sur la photo…
60 Minutes/Vanity Fair poll: The Perfect Child
60 Minutes Most Americans and more mothers say they would let a guilty teen spend a night in jail -- those results and more in this month's poll -Even if…
Perte de poids: la vérité au sujet des images avant/après
Candice Russell, Huffington Post
Comme l'ascenseur a changé l'Amérique
The unsung conveyance that threw us together—and allowed us to build up The Boston Globe Illustration: Doug Chayka (capture d'écran) The elevator, Daniel Levinson Wilk says, is responsible for shaping…