Tag archives for espionnage
L’ex-responsable des déguisements à la CIA explique, entre autre, comment on peut changer une espionne en homme. L’inverse est impossible.
Un court documentaire de 9 min. 24 sec.
L’histoire secrète de l’espionnage américain
The Secret History of American Surveillance Few remember that the origins of our modern American surveillance state were forged over 115 years ago, half a world away in the Philippine…
Quelques articles sur l’espionnage entre compagnies
Confessions of a Corporate Spy George Chidi Revue Inc. What do you think it means to be an expert in "hard-to-get elicitation"? It means people tell you things. A competitive…
The Great SIM Heist : How Spies Stole the Keys to the Encryption Castle
Jeremy Scahill & Josh Begley The Intercept Another mildly mind-boggling espionage exploit unveiled. American and British spies cracked the encryption used in mobile phone networks around the world by a…
Sur le site International spy museum
Canada’s Security Intelligence Service in the Post-Cold War World Thursday, January 10, 2013 Canada’s Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) operates on a very different model from the American CIA, being neither…
Égypte: La grande parano anti-espions. Un reportage de Canal + sur l'émission "La boîte noire" qui a accusé d'espionnage des cigognes et des marionnettes. (7.48)
L'Effet Papillon - La grande parano anti-espions
Écouter l’ennemi: Les grandes oreilles sur les côtes britanniques dans les années 20.
Un article du Spiegel The enormous concrete shells are as tall as a house, and they were designed to listen for enemy aircraft in the 1920s and 30s. Pre-World War…
Graphique: le coffre à outils des espions de la NSA
Source: Spiegel
Le dossier Mata Hari
Frédéric Guelton, Revue historique des armées