Tag archives for Frontline
Reportage de Frontline (1.24.12) Growing up trans : an eye-opening journey inside the struggles of transgender children and their families.
« Just a generation ago, it was adults, not kids, who changed genders. But today, many children are transitioning, too — with new medical options, and at younger and younger…
L’émission Frontline a trouvé une façon de filmer en cachette la vie en Arabie saoudite. Le résultat : Saudi Arabia Uncovered —( 54.11)
Le reportage de PBS: Saudi Arabia Uncovered Rappel : - L'Arabie saoudite a demandé au gouvernement du Québec de se mêler de ses affaires en ce qui a trait à…
Le carnage d’Orlando ne changera pas les lois sur les armes à feu. Le lobby qui s’y oppose est trop puissant; et il n’est pas composé de Rednecks qui veulent aller à la chasse
Le Kiosque avait signalé en 2015: Un reportage () de l’excellente émission Frontline sur la National Rifle Association, qui gagne toutes ses batailles contre la restriction des armes à feu Gunned…
Chasing Heroin: reportage de PBS (1.54.11)
Capture d'écran: «Chasing Heroin» (Frontline), reportage de PBS. FRONTLINE looks at America's heroin crisis in a fresh and provocative light -- telling the stories of individual addicts, but also illuminating…
Vidéo de l’émission Frontline (1.23.36)
Drug Lord: the Legend of Shorty (El Chapo")
Un reportage (54.10) de l’excellente émission Frontline sur la National Rifle Association, qui gagne toutes ses batailles contre la restriction des armes à feu
Gunned Down: The Power of the NRA, our January 2015 look at how the group has become such a successful force in American politics. How did the NRA evolve from…
Locked up in America
FRONTLINE explores "America's fixation on incarceration" with this two-film report, Locked Up In America. Through the episodes "Solitary Nation" and "Prison State," viewers are offered a dramatic and intimate look at…
Émission FRONTLINE: United States of Secrets
FRONTLINE doesn't shy away from difficult topics, as demonstrated by “United States of Secrets” a recent documentary on the activities of the National Security Agency (NSA) in the United States.…
PBS program on drug-resistant bacteria (Émission Frontline 54.11)
"Hunting the Nightmare Bacteria" a new FRONTLINE program co-produced by the Investigative Reporting Workshop, looks at whether the age of antibiotics is coming to an end. From a young girl…