Tag archives for mariage
Une association de femmes américaines brise les chaînes des mariages forcés.
Si la Fédération des femmes du Québec veut les contacter, voici le site Web: Woman Breaks Through Chains of Forced Marriage, and Helps Others Do the Same, par Samuel G.…
The Heartbreaking History of Divorce
Historian Amanda Foreman explores the other side of love and marriage Smithsonian (...) The fact is, in the United States the probability of a first marriage lasting for 20 years…
Que disaient les conseillers matrimoniaux avant le féminisme? Des horreurs.
Rebecca Onion Aeon ‘Can This Marriage Be Saved?’ Marriage counselling, once the informal job of clergy, parents and trusted elders, became its own profession in the 1920s. Following increased advocacy…
Enfermez vos épouses!
Advice columns from decades past provide a chilling glimpse into the horrors of marriage counselling before feminism by Rebecca Onion aeon
Look who’s on top of the marriage market
Margaret Wente The Globe and Mail Well-educated, high-income women have always had trouble finding mates. That’s because men were always expected to be of higher status than their wives, or…
Un femme de Kahnawake menaçée d'expulsion parce qu'elle a marié un Blanc.
The Gazette ‘It’s like they poked a sleeping bear,’ says Mohawk told to leave the community because she married a white man.