Tag archives for PBS
Reportage de Frontline (1.24.12) Growing up trans : an eye-opening journey inside the struggles of transgender children and their families.
« Just a generation ago, it was adults, not kids, who changed genders. But today, many children are transitioning, too — with new medical options, and at younger and younger…
L’émission Frontline a trouvé une façon de filmer en cachette la vie en Arabie saoudite. Le résultat : Saudi Arabia Uncovered —( 54.11)
Le reportage de PBS: Saudi Arabia Uncovered Rappel : - L'Arabie saoudite a demandé au gouvernement du Québec de se mêler de ses affaires en ce qui a trait à…
Une lectrice nous signale ce reportage: “The Children of Isis” ( 10.40)
Sur PBS Tens of thousands of children currently live in ISIS-controlled parts of Iraq and Syria, and the group is actively recruiting some of them to be its next generation…
L'assassinat d'Abraham Lincoln élaboré à Montréal?
Andy Blatchford La Presse Canadienne L'anniversaire d'un lien peu connu entre le Canada et l'assassin du président américain Abraham Lincoln sera souligné sans cérémonie cette semaine: il y a 150…
Une courte histoire de la quarantaine
By Peter Tyson, PBS The caption to this drawing from an 1858 issue of Harper's Weekly quotes a Dr. Anderson as saying: "While the Angel of Death rides on the…
The world's deadliest virus Ebola Plague Fighters (52.17)
Reportage de la série Nova (PBS)
Émission FRONTLINE: United States of Secrets
FRONTLINE doesn't shy away from difficult topics, as demonstrated by “United States of Secrets” a recent documentary on the activities of the National Security Agency (NSA) in the United States.…