Tag archives for technologie - Page 7
Les pestes de l’ère numérique
The days of shooting saliva-drenched pieces of paper out of a straw are long gone. Nowadays, pupils are often taught digitally and blackboards have been replaced with computers, digital markers,…
Tous vos “likes” sont au Centre de données de Facebook à 70 milles du cercle arctique, en Suède. Visite d’un journaliste.
Facebook: Inside the social media giant's data centre where your 'likes' are recorded, par Jamie Merrill du Independant
La puissance de l’e-Estonie
«En Estonie, l’accès à internet est un droit et, sauf perdu en pleine forêt ou en kayak dans le golfe de Finlande, difficile d’échapper à cette société hyperconnectée. A la…
Nous nous faisons surveiller sur Internet, et ce n’est pas terminé
"Ubiquitous surveillance now is like cigarette smoke was in the 1970s: it seemed unavoidable, with a seemingly invincible lobby, but it was ultimately eradicable" What Happens Next Will Amaze You,…
Les robots sont programmés pour nous mentir
"Crosswalk buttons in New York are a lie. So is the “door close” button in most elevators. That ticking clock telling you your download is 68% finished? Also a lie." These are…
Le coût du téléchargement de publicités: étude sur 50 sites de nouvelles
The Cost of Mobile Ads on 50 News Websites, un article du New York Times Ads and their trackers take up a lot of the bandwidth and load time for…
Le Daily News met fin à son édition papier
"For weeks the staff had known that layoffs might be coming, and when they did come, on Sept. 16, it was with the swiftness of a Soviet-era purge." The Daily…
Mobile advertising is killing itself
"Wherever you are, whatever you’re doing, you are expending one of the world’s most precious commodities: your attention." Mobile advertising is killing itself, par Felix Salmon de Fusion At USA Today,…
Quelques applications pour bloquer les publicités sur le web. En toute connaissance de cause.
"Before you start downloading, there is one very important thing to understand: By blocking ads, you are depriving content publishers (like us, hello!) of advertising income and insights into what readers…
Personne ne comprend vraiment comment fonctionnent les algorithmes qui vous suivent sur le web
"Much of the time, there’s no way to tell why information is filtered the way it is online. Why is one person’s status update on Facebook prioritized in your News…