Tag archives for The Atlantic - Page 3
Combien d’adeptes de l’Église de la scientologie dans le monde? Des millions selon l’Église. En fait, c’est plutôt autour de 50 000. À cause d’Internet, l’Église ne peut plus beurrer épais.
Since its founding in the 1950s, L. Ron Hubbard’s organization has put a premium on controlling the flow of information—an increasingly impossible enterprise in the Internet age. The Atlantic, Sophie…
Une abonnée nous signale cet article de The Atlantic sur un Québécois: The Man Who Snuck Into the Ivy League Without Paying a Thing
Joe Pinsker The Atlantic Guillaume Dumas attended classes, made friends, and networked on some of America's most prestigious campuses—for free. What does this say about the value of a diploma?…
Dans les années 30, une brillante campagne publicitaire a poussé les gars, qui n’y avaient jamais pensé auparavant, à acheter une bague de diamants pour leur future épouse. Ils en achètent encore.
Uri Friedman The Atlantic In 1938, amid the ravages of the Depression and the rumblings of war, Harry Oppenheimer, the De Beers founder's son, recruited the New York–based ad agency…
How YouTube Changed Journalism
The Atlantic The video-streaming site, created 10 years ago today, has reduced the barriers to entry for news publication—for both good and bad.
The Dark Side of Almond Use (suggestion d’une lectrice)
People are eating almonds in unprecedented amounts. Is that okay? The Atlantic Le journaliste, JAMES HAMBLIN, met en relation les bénéfices nutritionnels de l'amande et les problèmes environnementaux que sa…
Turning Customers Into Cultists
Why many companies now take their cues from religious sects DEREK THOMPSON The Atlantic In the third week of September, thousands of people organized themselves into neat lines that snaked along the…
The Trauma of Working for an Airline During a Disaster
The Atlantic Flight attendants throughout the industry can find themselves suffering from PTSD following a plane crash.
Smelling Death: On the Job With New York's Crime-Scene Cleaners
The Atlantic CSI and Law & Order would have you believe that a crime scene empties out after the glitzy detectives are done with it. In reality, somebody else has to come in…
Glané sur le web
Comment la récession a rendu les architectes plus créatifs ..... L'école, une fabrique d'abrutis? Entrevue avec Mathieu Côté-Desjardins, réalisateur de La Déséducation une webtélé documentaire qu’on peut visionner sur son…