Tag archives for transgenre
Reportage de Frontline (1.24.12) Growing up trans : an eye-opening journey inside the struggles of transgender children and their families.
« Just a generation ago, it was adults, not kids, who changed genders. But today, many children are transitioning, too — with new medical options, and at younger and younger…
La fabuleuse histoire d’Abby Stein : de mâle hassidim à femme
Par Rima Elkouri, La Presse Si j'avais croisé Abby il y a quelques années, rien ne l'aurait distinguée au premier coup d'oeil des jeunes hommes que je croise dans mon…
La science derrière les transgenres, androgynes, cisgenres et autres variations de genres
Caitlyn Jenner and Our Cognitive Dissonance, un article de Robert Sapolsky, professeur de biologie, neurologie et neurochirurgie à l'Université de Stanford.
Les idéologues sont arrivés : Kids pay the price of transgender politics
" The activists argue that children with doubts about their gender should be automatically “affirmed” in their new gender by adults. In a society that’s squeamish about chemicals in foods,…
What Makes a Woman?
There is a collision course between feminists and transgender activists. Elinor Burkett New York Times Elinor Burkett is a journalist, a former professor of women’s studies and an Oscar-winning documentary…
About a Boy : Transgender surgery at sixteen.
Margaret Talbot New Yorker In America, doctors didn’t talk openly about the feasibility of sex-change operations until after the Second World War. In 1949, a psychiatrist named David O. Cauldwell…
BBC Horizon – Dr. Money And The Boy With No Penis (46.57)
David Reimer (birth name: Bruce Reimer, born: August 22, 1965 -- died : May 4, 2004) was born as a healthy male, but was sexually reassigned and raised as female…
Transsexual documentary : « I Am Jazz: A Family in Transition. »
Doctors who see kids with gender-identity issues often attribute their increasing numbers to media coverage. Many of the stories on television are enthusiastic: the kids are adorable; the parents are…
Quand lirons-nous un bon article sur les trans?
Raoule Nadeau, Huffington Post Souvent, les journalistes qui contactent notre groupe communautaire pour une entrevue se positionnent verbalement comme « alliés ». Dans le discours, ils disent vouloir dépeindre l'humanité…