Tag archives for Vox
Le message de la Nasa pour raconter la Terre aux extraterrestres (VIDEO)
Signalé dans Le Vif La Nasa a tout prévu pour raconter la Terre à d'éventuels extraterrestres. L'Agence spatiale américaine a compilé 116 images, sons et graphiques représentatifs de notre planète…
Why one naturopath quit after watching her peers treat cancer patients
Julia Belluz, Vox You don't often hear about people transitioning from alternative healing to science-based medicine or vice versa. That's what makes someone like Dr. Oz — a highly credentialed surgeon who also believes…
North Korea made this bizarre video to convince you to open a business there
Vox Durée: (chaque seconde est stupéfiante)
40 maps that explain outer space
Vox brings readers 40 maps that explain outer space. As Joseph Stromberg notes in this mind-expanding exploration of the cosmos, space is difficult to grasp intellectually, because "it's bigger, by…
Today’s college freshmen, explained in 4 charts
Vox 1) They're less likely to hang out with their friends This chart will launch a thousand hand-wringing pieces about how young Millennials prefer interacting with their phones to interacting…
Avant-après : voyez comment les routes ont transformé les villes américaines
Signalé sur L'Obs avec Rue89 Sur Vox : Faites glisser la barre blanche de gauche à droite et revenez à gauche