WorldWide Telescope (WWT) is your ticket to the skies. From the comfort of a PC, WWT allows access to data from the world’s best ground- and space- based telescopes, blending terabytes of images and stories into a “seamless, immersive, rich media experience.” While much of the material is available on the site, the entire Windows application can also be downloaded for free. Teachers will appreciate Educator Resources (from the home page click Educators, and then WWT Ambassadors), where they can link to Getting Started in the Classroom, Classroom Resources, and WWT Tours with Lesson Plans. All readers will enjoy the boundless opportunities to tour distant galaxies, examine star explosions, and generally gawk at the majesty of the distant universe.

Astronaut Chris Hadfield Discovers WorldWide Telescope at TED2014
Astronaut Chris Hadfield Discovers WorldWide Telescope at TED2014