Dans le Scout Report  (vol.20, no 41), Craig Hase propose d’explorer un moteur de recherche spécialisé dans les demandes de calculs et les données factuelles : Wolfram Alpha.


Previously covered by the Scout Report in 2009, Wolfram Alpha, “the computational knowledge engine” is more astonishing than ever. The interface is deceptively simple. Just type what you want to know into the text field. For instance, “How many Buddhists are there?” returns not only the number of Buddhists worldwide (369 million); it also breaks the numbers down by country and provides a colorful world map. Another example: “health care Germany vs U.S.” returns a range of facts, figures, and graphs, including the amount each nation spends per person on health ($3,577 vs. $7,274). These are just the shallowest examples of what Wolfram Alpha can do, so its worth exploring with your specific needs in mind. [CNH]