A man holds a pen up at Place de la République as thousands congregate on the day after the Charlie Hebdo massacre in Paris, France on Jan. 8, 2015. (Nick Kozak)


‘In my view there is no media outlet in Canada brave enough to allow a full and proper discussion of Islam’

Barbara Amiel


(…) The West has been ready to give up on itself for some time now. We have no idea of what we stand for and seem to have no faith other than lip-service in the superiority of our institutions. If 9/11 can somehow be made to feel like partlythe fault of America, then change foreign policy or administrations and the problem will go away. If young Islamic terrorists are created by feelings of  “alienation” then the problem will be solved by getting them to like us. It’s so comforting. Fundamentalist Islam is on the march and all we can do is worry about giving offence. When the blood of journalists can only be expunged by denying other journalists the right to say or show what they died for, we are hemorrhaging freedom. I have no children but some coming generation will pay the price for their parents’ cowardice.