JCRC-Abrams-photoSally Abrams

The Times of Israel

Here are ten questions I would like to see savvy reporters pose:

2. To the 25,000 or so people employed by UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East): Do you exist to resolve the refugee problem or perpetuate your own bureaucracy? Countless other refugee situations have been resolved since 1948, included the resettling of 800,00 plus Jewish refugees of Arab lands. Why does the Palestinian refugee issue remain unresolved?

3.To the Palestinian media: How will Palestinian children ever learn to live in peace with Israelis if they are taught Jew-hatred from the youngest age?Palestinian Media Watch offers a depressing catalogue of the hate-fest on television, radio, and social media.

8. To the Palestinians: Do you realize that your leaders have utterly failed you?

9. To the Israelis: Can you feel empathy for what Palestinians have lost, suffered, and endured over the years? The chaos and danger of war caused people to become refugees for all sorts of reasons. Your belief in Israel’s right to exist, in Israel’s necessity, is not diminished by acknowledging how its birth affected others who were also living in the land at that time.

10. And last, to everyone and anyone: Where is the Palestinian leader who will stand up and say, “Our war with the Jews is over. We are going to build a future for ourselves. The right of return endures, but it is a right we will choose not to exercise. We are going to build an amazing state next to Israel. Put your old keys away. It’s time to look forward and not back.”