Dans le Time Literary Supplement.

Extraits :

«First, academics devote their lives to writing things they know that nobody will ever read, then they gnash their teeth about why nobody cares about what they do.»

«The piety of academia – its radical front of social justice – takes place in the context of massive inequities and supremely vulnerable young people. “You can divorce your husband any time you want, you can’t divorce your supervisor … They make you. They break you.” Academia systematically turns students into courtiers. “The patronage is out of control. The kneeling and kissing the ring of the master and all that”, said my source. “How do you act? How do you dress? You don’t want to offend anyone. When do I email? When do I not? How do I ask for things?” It’s a gruelling business of attending approval from a minuscule and disconnected body of people.»

«It’s not just hurt feelings. The problem is practical. If you are a graduate student, and you want advice on how the world outside academia works, there is nobody worse to ask than an academic. Asking a professor for advice about how to find a job outside academia is about as useful as asking a priest for advice about the wedding night.»