À lire ici, p. 16

« Secularism law takes us back to an exclusive ‘we’

So sad. First, let nobody try telling me that this law has anything to do with secularism. A law whose application will impact Quebecers in such an asymmetric way is “secular” in name only.

This government has just given the signal that minorities, and one in particular, can be attacked – in the street, in institutions, in public debate – while invoking the “secularism!” slogan. I was in France, where Marine Le Pen and her Front National have well understood this toxic alchemy. […]

As the son of Jewish parents from Eastern Europe who fled state tribalism that had turned the old continent into a mass graveyard, I have never felt that so little of me is Québécois. »

Pour bien montrer qu’il n’est pas un deux de pique, Weinstock a ajouté ses titres à la fin de sa lettre.

« Daniel Weinstock has a DPhil in Philosophy from Oxford University, is the James McGill professor in the McGill Law Faculty, and Director of the McGill Institute for Health and Social Policy. »