Author Archives: Équipe du Kiosque - Page 254
Infographie: Exclusive rankings of Canada’s most profitable companies
Globe and Mail The companies listed here are the 1,000 largest publicly traded Canadian corporations, measured by assets. They are ranked according to their after-tax profits in their most recent…
L’histoire oubliée de l’autisme
TED Talks Decades ago, few pediatricians had heard of autism. In 1975, 1 in 5,000 kids was estimated to have it. Today, 1 in 68 is on the autism spectrum.…
Enseignants : un métier extrême
300 enseignants par année victimes de voies de fait Journal de Montréal Ils sont intimidés sur les réseaux sociaux, victimes de voies de fait, mordus ou percutés par un objet…
Infographie: The Flight of Refugees Around the Globe
New York Times Nearly 60 million people are displaced around the world because of conflict and persecution, the largest number ever recorded by the United Nations. About 14 million of…
NASA satellite data show the Earth is running out of groundwater | The Washington Post
With all the droughts happening across the world, water management has clearly become one of the most urgent challenges for governments and citizens to tackle. According to a recent study…
Le cubicule (vidéo 25.26)
aeon Is the office cubicle actually designed to crush your soul? The strange history and significance of a much-loathed space
Les Québécois ne sont pas fous et ne mélangent pas tout
Mathieu Bock-Côté Vigile 85 %: c’est le pourcentage, selon un récent sondage CROP, de Québécois qui s’inquiètent que les immigrants, lorsqu’ils s’installent ici, n’adoptent pas les valeurs de la société d’accueil. …
Infographie: Southern discomfort: A look at the history of the controversial Confederate flag
National Post To some, the Confederate flag is a symbol of Southern heritage and pride, adorning everything from bars to T-shirts to licence plates. To others, it’s a token of…