Author Archives: Équipe du Kiosque - Page 266
Suède: Le pays des enfants rois et cancres
Gian Paolo Accardo Vox Europ Si les enfants sont choyés en Suède plus que partout ailleurs dans le monde – le pays caracole en tête des classements sur le bien-être…
Saudi Arabian women have finally gained the right to drive – at least virtually.
Emily DeRuy Fusion In what appears to be an act of straight-up trolling his own family, a Saudi prince is creating a videogame called “Saudi Girls Revolution,” that features young…
BBC: The mind-bending effects of foreign accent syndrome
By David Robson A little-known condition causes people to adopt a new accent – and lose a part of their identity in the process, finds David Robson. Julie Matthias’s family…
“America forgot about us”: Sketchbook from the streets of Baltimore
Fusion Graphic journalist Dan Archer recently spoke with several community members in Baltimore about the unrest there since Freddie Gray’s death. All drawings were done live while people told their…
This scientific paper has 2,863 authors. How?
Fusion The scientific journal eLife published a paper on viruses last month– specifically, the genetics of bacteriophages: viruses that infect, and replicate within, bacteria. By sequencing the genomes of individual bacteriophages,…
The Journey Out: Peril And Promise In Leaving The Ultra-Orthodox Jewish World
Huffington Post Shulem Deen’s first steps away from Hasidic Judaism were in the direction of a radio. Left, Shulem Deen in New Square, 2006; right, Shulem Deen after leaving Hasidism…