Archives for LIVRES - Page 32
Les héritiers de Steinbeck: quels romanciers écrivent aujourd'hui sur la pauvreté et l'inégalité?
Pacific Standard Seventy-five years after its first publication date, The Grapes of Wrath is still a staple in most American classrooms. Is that because we haven’t yet written anything that does a…
L'auteure féministe américaine la plus citée dans le domaine:" les hommes sont là où étaient les femmes il y a 30 ans." Elle écrit aussi: "At the same time, we need to go the route of Norway and Quebec and get a use-it-or-lose-it paternity leave, so we don’t reinforce women’s association with family life and childcare."
By Hope Rees, The Atlantic Glyn Lowe Photoworks/Flickr An interview with Stephanie Coontz, author of A Strange Stirring: The Feminine Mystique and American Women at the Dawn of the 1960s…
Africa : Etats usés, miracles ordinaires
Richard Dowden, Éditions Nevicata .... Critique du Figaro Chaque fois que vous tentez d'expliquer 'L' Afrique, c'est ', les mots se désagrègent, se dissolvent. Chaque fois que vous tentez d'exprimer…
L’anarchie pour les nuls
L’Anarchie expliquée à mon père de Thomas Déri et Francis Dupuis-Déri. Ed. Lux (Coll. Instinct de liberté), 244 p., 10€ Un père éditeur et son fils historien remettent les pendules…
Italian journalist Costanza Miriano’s book, “Woman, Get Married and Be Submissive” — on being the perfect wife, has sold over 100,000 copies.
Marry and submit to him. What? An Italian journalist gives advice that has feminists fuming. Is she mad? Michael Kirke - See more at: # By Machael Kirke, Mercatornet .…
Operation Paperclip
The Secret Intelligence Program That Brought Nazi Scientists to America By Annie Jacobsen Illustrated. 575 pp. Little, Brown & Company. (Disponible à la bibliothèque de Westmount) Présentation de l'éditeur:
Your ancestry may be your destiny
Margaret Wente The Globe and Mail A deeply challenging new book by economic historian Gregory Clark (The Son Also Rises: Surnames and the History of Social Mobility) argues (...) that most…
Adorable Photos of Children Around the World With Their Favorite Toys
Photographer Gabriele Galimberti's new book captures the universality of childhood. —By Katie Rose Quandt, Mother John Over the course of three years, photographer Gabriele Galimberti traveled the globe, asking children…
La responsabilité est sur nous
Quand on lit "des femmes en situation de prostitution", "inégalités systémiques", "le système prostitutionnel", il est clair que des intellos ont commencé à se pencher sur la question avec leur grille…
With Charity For All
Why Charities Are Failing and a Better Way to Give By Ken Stern Doubleday. 258 pp ( Disponible à la BAnQ) The good news is that Americans are a giving…