Archives for TOUS - Page 293
America’s elderly prisoner boom (Reportage 8.13)
Thanks to ultra-long sentences, America's prisoners are getting older. Under the 'Gold coats' programme in California, younger inmates look after elderly ones
Pizza industrielle, cherchez les ingrédients ! (Reportage français 50,18)
Simple, gouteuse, rapide, tout le monde ou presque aime la Pizza. La plupart d’entre elles sont pourtant industrielles. Que reste-t-il de naturel dans ces pizzas qui semblent parfois si réelles…
The Arctic’s Internet Is So Expensive That People Mail the Web on USB Drives
Motherboard In the sparsely populated Canadian Arctic, an internet connection with a one megabit per second download speed on an “ultra” home office plan can cost you $100 every month.…
Les films interdits du IIIe Reich – ARTE Documentaire 2015 (52.30)
Violemment antisémites (Le juif Süss) ou anglophobes (Le président Krüger), légitimant l'élimination des handicapés (Suis-je un assassin ?) ou justifiant a posteriori l'invasion de la Pologne (Heimkehr), certains des films…
Le parrain John Gotti (Film Complet en français: 1.57.26)
Histoire de John Gotti (Don Teflon) parrain de la mafia new-yorkaise. Il était surnommé "le don teflon" parce que les accusations ne collaient pas sur lui. --- L'histoire du parrain…
Colorado Pot : reportage de 60 Minutes
Bill Whitaker checks in on Colorado after becoming the first state to legalize recreational pot 60 minutes
What happened when Canada stopped counting its numbers
Five years after leaders killed the long-form census, researchers can't tell you what direction the country is going in Aljazeera America
Mohamad Eskandar, un chanteur libanais homophobe et sexiste devra se censurer à Montréal (restaurant Al-Balad), à Ottawa et à Mississauga.
Mohamad Eskandar Huffington Post UPDATE: Under media scrutiny led by groups like Universalist Muslims and the Canadian Centre for Gender and Sexual Diversity, and the negotiations led by HELEM Montreal,…
Digital Journalism: The Next Generation. For all the resources and attention, the results thus far seem dishearteningly modest
Michael Massing The New York Review of Books