Archives for TOUS - Page 377
Underage Moroccan girls married off with judges' consent
Hannah Rehak, Global Post The Moroccan legal code forbids girls under age 18 to marry, but exceptions are granted most of the time. Salima Dakani, age 19.(William Matsuda/GlobalPost)
The Powerful History of Potty Training
Katie Engelhart, The Atlantic Scientists have long tended to attribute a person's personality to how they were toilet trained—especially during times of political turmoil.
Inside the National Microbiology Laboratory ( Winnipeg) working with one of the most dangerous pathogens known to man — ebola
Tom Blackwell, National Post An employee of Winnipeg's
Inside the Cirque (Reportage de la CBC, 44:12)
Doc Zone goes behind the curtain and under the stage to reveal how it's all done. The incredible logistics behind the Cirque du Soleil - the biggest road show in…
Mysterious ‘World Sports Alliance’ got boost from SNC Lavalin
Alain Lemieux Brian Hutchinson The Star Alain Lemieux made his fortune selling artificial turf. The Sherbrooke, Que., native now bills himself as “His Excellency Ambassador.” He greets African delegations and…
Un mois des Noirs au Québec, mais pourquoi?
par Francis Fortier, chercheur de l'Iris, le think tank syndical. "Le Québec n’est peut-être pas raciste, mais le traitement de ses n’est pas nécessairement homogène. Deux domaines sont principalement soumis…
Qui peut placer l’Azerbaïdjan sur une carte? Les lecteurs du Devoir.
Le complexe résidentiel des Flame Towers, construit près d’une mosquée à Bakou, capitale de l’Azerbaïdjan.
Les livres que les Montréalais choisissent à la bibliothèque. Les différences entre anglophones et francophones.
What books are Montrealers taking out from the libraries? Montreal Gazette
INFOGRAPHIE: The global landscape of cybercrime is shifting
As cyberattacks from the , India and China decline, a new group of countries is stepping up