Tag archives for vidéos
David Bowie en dix morceaux immortels
David Bowie, 27 albums et près de 50 ans de carrière. De ce génie, voici une liste de dix morceaux, sélectionnés de façon subjective tant il est difficile de résumer…
Infographie: Counterpsill.org is a bustling hub of information that covers 100 years of non-renewable energy disasters.
As a "living archive," the site is updated with news stories, infographics, educational and satirical videos, and invitations to political action. The homepage is a case in point. Disasters are…
Smarthistory: A Multimedia Web-Book about Art and Art History.
Doreen Simonsen Willamette University, Imagine standing next to two art historians discussing an artwork in a museum and listening to their conversation about that piece of art. Smarthistory provides just…