Les derniéres années ont vu une explosion du chômage masculin et une forte baisse des perspectives d’avenir des hommes. Le “Marché du romantique”  a été bouleversé: de tel façon qu’il rétrécit les options des femmes ayant l’idée de se marier; de plus en plus, les femmes qui veulent se marier ne peuvent choisir qu’entre les vauriens (deadbeats) dont le nombre  augmente et les play-boys qui ont plus de pouvoir.

Un article dans The Atlantic


“The implications are extraordinary. If, in all sectors of society, women are on the ascent, and if gender parity is actually within reach, this means that a marriage regime based on men’s overwhelming economic dominance may be passing into extinction. As long as women were denied the financial and educational opportunities of men, it behooved them to “marry up”—how else would they improve their lot? (As Maureen Dowd memorably put it in her 2005 book, Are Men Necessary?, “Females are still programmed to look for older men with resources, while males are still programmed to look for younger women with adoring gazes.”) Now that we can pursue our own status and security, and are therefore liberated from needing men the way we once did, we are free to like them more, or at least more idiosyncratically, which is how love ought to be, isn’t it?”