The Problem of French Canada
by Ross Dowson, Fall 1945

No Progressive Ends Served by the Secession of Quebec at This Time

What progressive ends would be achieved by the secession of the French Canadian peoples from Confederation at this time? The answer is obviously none. The relative strength of reactionary forces within the French state would be increased and a comparatively new and inexperienced working class would be isolated from the mainstream of labor development. At this period to support a policy of secession would be to play into the hands of reaction. We cannot bind ourselves to support a policy of secession under all circumstances. Situations may arise where this will be employed by the bourgeoisie for reactionary ends—thus in the case of an impending revolutionary situation in English Canada both the English and French capitalists may attempt to split away Quebec and salvage their system there. In this situation we would fight against secession. But regardless whether we advocate secession at a given moment or not we recognize the right of the French Canadian masses to decide for themselves.

However the sentiment that the nationalist movement exploits is essentially progressive—that is the desire for language and cultural equality, the opposition to racial discrimination, the demand for wage equality etc. We support democratic rights, the democratic demands of the French Canadian peoples. We are resolutely opposed to Anglo-American and French capitalism’s use of French Canada as a cheap labor market—we are opposed to discrimination in the shops.

For a militant and unified trade union movement of both English and French workers. Down with the Catholic Syndicates! We demand the complete separation of the Church and State—the complete severance of church interference in education. The hostility to the trusts and the opposition to the war offer the revolutionary socialist movement particularly fine opportunities to develop wide support. Turn anti-trustism into anti-capitalism! Workers control of the war industries! Expropriation of all war profits!

The problems of the French Canadian workers will not be solved in the framework of the bourgeois state. The fate of the French Canadian workers and farmers is irrevocably bound up with the fate of the rest of Canada’s workers and farmers. Socialism is the order of the day. A socialist Canada and a Socialist United States of America is the future.