ok_8Airbnb peut-il révolutionner la restauration?


Après avoir révolutionné la façon dont nous partons en vacances (le site de locations d’appartements de particuliers compte plus de 600.000 annonces dans 34.000 villes et 190 pays; en France, un million de personnes l’utilisent), Airbnb entend révolutionner la façon dont nous allons au restaurant. Ou plutôt la façon dont nous n’irons peut-être plus.


Are Airbnb and Uber changing the world?

Margaret Wente

The Globe and Mail


Whatever you think of this collectivist-libertarian utopia, the sharing economy is the hottest concept since Google. Airbnb, which started in 2008, now has 550,000 listings around the world and a market valuation of about $10-billion, which makes it worth more than either Hyatt or Holiday Inn. Uber, which had all of 550 employees in January, is currently valued at $18-billion – about as much as Hertz and Avis combined.


Despite massive protests, the City of London has declared that Uber is legal – for the time being, until the courts help sort it out. Portland has also decided that Uber is okay. Toronto has decided that Uber is not, and has taken it to court for various licensing offences.


Uber’s Fare War on New York Taxis Puts Million-Dollar Medallions at Risk
