Author Archives: Équipe du Kiosque - Page 440

Italian journalist Costanza Miriano’s book, “Woman, Get Married and Be Submissive” — on being the perfect wife, has sold over 100,000 copies.

Marry and submit to him. What? An Italian journalist gives advice that has feminists fuming. Is she mad? Michael Kirke - See more at: # By Machael Kirke, Mercatornet .…
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Une école de la Nouvelle-Zélande laisse les étudiants jouer comme ils le veulent durant les récréations, même s'ils risquent de se blesser. Les résultats sont surprenants.

National Post The students weren’t hurting themselves — in fact, they were so active at recess that they returned to class vibrant and motivated, ready to learn.  
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